Showing you curiosity about the world and technology

Showing: 111 - 120 of 173 RESULTS

Personalized Santa Claus video app

advertising Have you ever imagined being able to send a personalized video of Santa Claus to the people you love? And make her Christmas happier and more special! Now how …

Pregnancy test app

advertising Firstly, discovering your pregnancy can be an exciting and anxiety-filled time, it is natural to have doubts about how to take a pregnancy test. Fortunately, advances in technology…

Free app to do Pilates at home

advertising Have you ever thought about practicing Pilates at home, without having to spend a fortune on expensive classes or equipment? And even have a better quality of life. With the advance of technology, …

Application to free up space on your cell phone

advertising Have you ever encountered the frustration of having little space on your cell phone? With the constant increase in the use of apps, high-quality photos and videos, it is every …

Application to check car license plate

advertising Have you ever wondered about the story behind the license plate you just saw on the street? Or maybe you saw a strange situation in traffic and…

Application to recover photos from cell phone

advertising Have you ever experienced the situation of losing photos? Fortunately, technology is on our side and there are apps to recover photos from your cell phone. Whether due to accidental deletion,…

Application to optimize cell phone battery

publicidade Você já se frustou de ver a bateria do seu celular esgotar rapidamente quando você mais precisa? Existe aplicativo para otimizar a bateria. A otimização de energia é fundamental …

Application to watch NFL live

publicidade Você é fã de futebol americano e não quer perder de assistir nenhum lance da NFL? Imagine assistir aos jogos ao vivo, em qualquer lugar. Com o avanço da …