If you are wondering “when will I receive my PIS?”, know that you are not alone!

The Social Integration Program (PIS) is a right for many Brazilians, but information about when and how to receive this benefit can sometimes cause confusion, right?

Whether it's to plan your monthly bills, make that important purchase or simply know when the money will be deposited into your account, knowing the PIS rules is essential.

And to help you, we explain everything in this article and help you prepare for this moment!

What is PIS?

Firstly, PIS is a benefit paid to private sector workers, being a type of annual bonus for those who meet the established requirements.

It was created with the aim of promoting the integration of workers into the development of companies, and is financed by contributions paid by the companies themselves.

Who is entitled to PIS?

Above all, before we start talking about payment dates, it is best that you know if you are entitled to the benefit:

  1. Be registered with PIS for at least 5 years – In other words, you need to have been registered with PIS for at least five years.
  2. Worked formally – You must have worked with a signed employment contract for at least 30 days in the year prior to payment.
  3. Average salary – Your average monthly remuneration in the base year must be a maximum of two minimum wages.
  4. Updated data – The company you worked for must have correctly submitted your information to the Annual Social Information Report (RAIS).

If you meet these requirements, congratulations! PIS could be yours.

When do I receive my PIS?

Now that you know if you are eligible, here is the big question: When is PIS paid?

Of course, PIS payments follow an annual calendar, always published by the federal government.

Payments typically begin in the second half of a year and continue through the first quarter of the following year.

The payment schedule varies depending on the month of birth of the worker.

In other words, those born at the beginning of the year receive it first, while those born at the end of the year may have to wait a little longer.

Here is a simplified example of what the calendar usually looks like:

  • January to June: Received between July and December of the current year.
  • July to December: They receive it between January and March of the following year.

Remember to always check the official calendar, as small changes may occur.

How do I check my PIS payment?

Undeniably, you can check your PIS in a very simple, quick way and without leaving home!

In fact, there are a few options for this:

  1. Federal Savings Bank – If you are a Caixa account holder, you can easily check your PIS balance and date through internet banking or the Caixa app.
  2. Worker Cashier App – This app shows all the information about your PIS, among other benefits.
  3. Caixa Call Center – If you prefer, you can call 0800 726 0207 and provide your details to find out when the amount will be deposited.
  4. Caixa branches – If you prefer in-person service, you can check your PIS directly at a Caixa branch. Just bring your ID and PIS number, which can be found on your work card or Citizen Card.

Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of your PIS!

With all this information in mind, don't forget to always check the official calendars and review your data regularly so you don't miss any opportunities, okay?

After all, now that you know who is entitled, how to consult and when to receive PIS, you are ready to organize yourself and make the most of this benefit.

So, keep an eye on the deadlines to guarantee your extra this year!

And if a friend asks you: “Do you know when I receive my PIS?” Just show this complete and quick guide so that it can clarify any doubts too!