App to stop smoking, perhaps it was your only hope to quit this addiction after so many frustrating attempts.

Firstly, smoking is an addiction that affects a large part of our population, and it requires a lot of effort to be able to leave this addiction behind.

With the advancement of technology, the application market has helped us take more and more care of ourselves and our health, so stay until the end of this article and be surprised by these applications that will help you stop smoking.

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App to stop smoking

However, in the search for a healthier life free from the harm of smoking, many people resort to different strategies to give up the smoking habit.

With advances in technology, mobile applications have become powerful allies on this journey, offering support, information and tools to help smokers achieve their goals of quitting smoking.

Therefore, in this context, a variety of applications have been developed to provide personalized guidance, progress monitoring and constant motivation, transforming the difficult task of quitting smoking into a more accessible and effective experience.

Let's explore some of the main options available on the market and how they can make a difference in the lives of those who want to become non-smokers.

Discover the best apps to stop smoking

  1. QuitNow!: Offers detailed statistics on your progress, achievements to motivate you, and a forum to interact with others who are trying to quit.
  2. Smoke Free: With money-saving calculations, health tracking, and achievements to motivate, it's a great option for anyone looking for support during their quit smoking journey.
  3. Quit Genius: Uses behavioral techniques and artificial intelligence to provide a personalized program to help with the smoking cessation process.
  4. Cessation Nation: Offers a cigarette-free time counter, detailed statistics about your health and achievements to celebrate your milestones, all for free.
  5. Kwit: With a gaming style, Kwit tracks your progress and offers daily challenges to keep you motivated, at no cost to users.

Applications available on Google Play and in App Store.

These apps are great tools for anyone looking for support to stop smoking without having to spend money.


In conclusion, free smoking cessation apps are valuable and accessible resources for anyone looking to kick the smoking habit.

They offer a variety of tools, from progress tracking and detailed statistics to motivational support and daily challenges.

By taking advantage of these technologies, smokers can increase their chances of success and achieve a healthier life free from the harm caused by smoking.

Therefore, considering using these apps can be a significant step in the journey towards a tobacco-free life.