Have you ever wondered who is watching your social media posts?
Well, now you can find out with the latest visitor tracking app.
Imagine the thrill of finally knowing who is secretly following your every update, photo and story.
These apps promise to reveal the hidden bystanders who are always around but rarely interact publicly.
Get ready to unravel the mysteries of your digital circle and give a new meaning to the expression curious eyes.
The desire to know who visits your profile
Discovering who visits your profile on social networks is a common desire among users.
Sometimes, the search can lead to greater concern about other people's opinions and increase anxiety.
Is it worth giving up privacy in exchange for this information?
If you're like me, a little more curious than usual, stay here, because below we're going to list the best apps to see who visited your social networks.
Best Apps to see who visited your social networks
Analyzer Plus
Analyzer Plus tracks and unfollows your takers and measures their performance.
– Track your followers: find out who unfollowed you; Find out followers who deleted likes/comments on your posts.
-Mass unfollow: Identify those who are inactive or not following you back and unfollow them one at a time.
– Know your best followers and ghost followers: find out who liked/commented the most and least; discover the most influential followers by the number of followers; discover the followers you are not following back.
– Get insights into your posts and stories: statistics offer real-time followers lost and gained; statistics show likes and comments in real time; Statistics tell you which post receives the most likes/comments in the last 7 days.
– MY FRIENDS CHANGE: find out if anything changes in your follower list: You won’t miss anything!; you have been blocked, unblocked, unsubscribed; you have not been followed; they changed their name or username.
– WHO LOOKS AT ME: find out who looked at your profile, photos or stories and when; they reacted to your content; they saw your content and did not react; they entered your profile.
– WHO DOESN’T LIKE YOU: find out who looks at you BUT doesn’t like you.
HOW MUCH I AM Sought after: are you popular? You will know if you are wanted!; who is looking for you (even if they don't follow you); search your profile without a session; the best publications.
WHAT'S HAPPENING: if you wish you could see what your friends were doing... Now you can again!; your friends reacted to a post; your friends commented on a post.
All Applications are available at Google Play.
I'm the curious mind behind acuriosa.net! I love discovering fascinating stories, traveling through the world of new things and sharing it all with you in a light and engaging way. Let's explore the most incredible and surprising curiosities out there together?