Whether on a walk in the park, in the garden at home or on a trail, the curiosity to know the names of plants has become a challenge for many of us.

Fortunately, technology has come to our aid with the creation of applications that make it easier to identify and understand plants.

Imagine being able to point your smartphone at an unknown flower and instantly get detailed information about it? A fascinating world opens up with this possibility, enabling nature lovers to explore and better understand the plant kingdom.

Pl@ntNet Application to know the name of plants

Pl@ntNet is an application that allows you to identify plants simply by photographing them with your smartphone. Very useful when you don't have a botanist around!

However, the launch of applications dedicated to plant identification has revolutionized the way we interact with the flora around us.

This new wave of technology is allowing lay people to become true amateur botanists, enriching their outdoor experiences and encouraging their connection with the natural environment.

However, with innovative features, these applications not only offer visual identification of plants, but also useful information about habitat, specific care and even medicinal properties.

iNaturalist app to find out the names of plants

iNaturalist is the largest free plant identifier available for Android and iOS.

It is made up of a community of more than 400,000 scientists and naturalists. This tool also allows you to store your findings.

Discovering the names of the plants around us can be a fascinating and enriching challenge, but it is not always an easy task.

However, whether on a nature walk or visiting a botanical garden, we often come across unknown species that arouse our curiosity. That's where technology comes in to facilitate this search for knowledge and promote a deeper connection with the natural world.

With an app specially designed to identify plants, this journey of discovery becomes more accessible and exciting.

Imagine being able to point your smartphone's camera at a mysterious plant and instantly receive detailed information about it – its scientific name, distinctive features, natural habitat and even its medicinal properties.

Advantages of using these applications

Applications for identifying the names of plants offer numerous advantages for gardening and nature enthusiasts.

However, with just a few clicks it is possible to discover detailed information about a specific plant, including its scientific name, necessary care and interesting facts about its origin.

This ease of access to relevant data allows users to enhance their knowledge and improve the way they care for their plants.